What Is Couples Therapy?
Couples Therapy is some of the most challenging and rewarding work I do. As with individual therapy, each relationship brings its own set of challenges and strengths. The "client" in couples work is the "relationship" itself. I work with the individuals and their combined spirit to bring about healthier intimacy.
How Does It Work?
As you would expect, each couple works in their own unique way. Generally speaking most relationship problems arise from ineffective communication and intimacy issues. Healthy intimacy can be defined as each individual's ability to know and articulate their reality and the other individual's ability to receive that reality. Both individuals in the relationship have a deep desire to be heard and understood. My job is to facilitate that understanding.
What Are The First Steps?
Lao Tzu said "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Great things start from humble beginnings. You can start by calling or emailing and letting me know what some of the perceived problems are in the relationship. We can then meet to discuss the options after I get a comprehensive assessment.